How to Improve Your Pitching Velocity and Control?

How to Improve Your Pitching Velocity and Control?
Posted on April 14, 2023

At The Pitching Pro, we understand what it takes to succeed as a pitcher. As a specialized business based worldwide, we offer a range of products and services designed to help pitchers of all levels improve their performance. From our VelCon Throwing Trainer to our Pitch Tracker and Pulse devices, we offer the latest in cutting-edge equipment to help you develop good habits and make necessary adjustments to your form. Our coaching services include Initial and Follow-up Evaluations, 30 and 60 Minute Pitching Sessions, and Pitching Drills 101, designed to help pitchers improve their mechanics, increase velocity, and refine their pitching technique. 

In this blog post, we will share some valuable tips and tricks to help you take your pitching game to the next level. Whether you're looking to improve your velocity, control, or accuracy, we have the knowledge and expertise to help you achieve your goals. We'll cover everything from building a solid foundation to incorporating strength training, mastering the slider, and practicing pitching drills. By following these tips and incorporating our personalized coaching services, you can take your pitching game to the next level and achieve the success you deserve on the mound. So, let's get started!

Start with a Solid Foundation

The first step to improving your pitching velocity and control is to start with a solid foundation. This means ensuring that your body is in good shape and that you have proper mechanics. One of the best ways to ensure proper mechanics is to work with a pitching coach who can help you develop good habits and make necessary adjustments to your form. At The Pitching Pro, we offer Initial and Follow-up Evaluations to help pitchers identify their strengths and weaknesses and develop a plan to improve.

One common issue that many pitchers face is overuse injuries. Throwing a baseball repeatedly can put a lot of stress on your arm, which can lead to injuries like rotator cuff tears and elbow strains. That's why it's crucial to take care of your body and rest properly between pitching sessions. Our pitching coaches can provide guidance on how to prevent injuries and ensure that you're taking care of your body properly.

Another essential element of a solid foundation is mental preparation. Pitching can be a mentally challenging sport, and it's essential to be able to stay focused and maintain a positive attitude on the mound. Our pitching coaches can provide strategies for staying focused, managing stress, and maintaining a positive mindset. We also offer visualization exercises to help you mentally prepare for games and visualize success.

Use the Right Equipment

Using the right equipment can make a big difference in your pitching game. The VelCon Throwing Trainer is an excellent tool for improving your mechanics and increasing velocity. This device helps pitchers work on proper arm action and release point, which are essential for throwing with velocity and control. Additionally, our Pitch Tracker and Pulse (aka Motus Throw) devices provide valuable feedback on arm speed, arm slot, and other metrics to help you track your progress.

Another essential piece of equipment for pitchers is proper footwear. Wearing the right shoes can improve your balance and stability on the mound, which can lead to more consistent mechanics and better control. Look for shoes with good traction, support, and stability. Our pitching coaches can provide recommendations on the best shoes for your specific needs.

Another piece of equipment that can help you improve your pitching velocity and control is a weighted baseball. By practicing with a slightly heavier ball, you can build strength in the muscles used in pitching and improve your overall arm speed. However, it's essential to use weighted balls properly and gradually increase the weight to avoid injury. Our pitching coaches can provide guidance on how to incorporate weighted balls into your practice routine safely.

Master the Big League Slider

A devastating slider can be a game-changer for any pitcher. However, throwing a slider with consistency and accuracy requires proper technique and practice. Our "How to Throw a Devastating Big League Slider" program provides step-by-step instructions on how to grip the ball, release it, and adjust for different types of sliders. With practice, you'll be able to add this powerful pitch to your repertoire.

One of the keys to mastering the slider is understanding the different types of sliders and when to use them. A sweeping slider is a slower pitch with more horizontal movement, while a sharper slider has more vertical movement and is thrown with more velocity. Knowing which type of slider to throw in different situations can help you keep batters off balance and improve your overall effectiveness on the mound.

Another essential aspect of mastering the slider is developing consistency in your release point. This means ensuring that you're releasing the ball at the same point every time you throw the pitch. Consistency in your release point is crucial for ensuring that the ball breaks in the same way every time, making it harder for batters to make solid contact.

Practice Pitching Drills

Practicing pitching drills is an essential part of improving your pitching game. Our Pitching Drills 101 program includes a variety of drills designed to help pitchers develop proper mechanics and increase velocity. These drills focus on different aspects of pitching, such as leg drive, arm action, and release point, and can be customized to meet your specific needs.

Another important pitching drill is the balance drill. This drill involves standing on one foot and practicing your pitching motion. By standing on one foot, you're forced to engage your core muscles and focus on maintaining balance throughout your pitching motion. This can help improve your overall stability and control on the mound.

Incorporate Strength Training

Strength training is another critical component of improving your pitching game. Stronger muscles can help you throw with more velocity and maintain that velocity throughout the game. Our pitching coaches can develop a customized strength training program that includes exercises to improve core strength, leg drive, and upper body strength.

One essential area to focus on in strength training for pitchers is core strength. Your core muscles are critical for generating power and stability throughout your pitching motion. Exercises like planks, sit-ups, and Russian twists can help strengthen your core and improve your overall pitching performance.

Another critical area to focus on is leg drive. Strong leg muscles are essential for generating power and driving your body forward during your pitching motion. Exercises like squats, lunges, and calf raises can help improve your leg strength and improve your overall velocity on the mound.

Get Personalized Pitching Sessions

Finally, personalized pitching sessions can help you fine-tune your technique and gain confidence on the mound. Our 30 and 60-minute pitching sessions allow you to work one-on-one with a pitching coach to address specific areas of your game. Whether you need help with mechanics, velocity, or control, our pitching coaches can provide personalized feedback and guidance.

One of the key benefits of personalized pitching sessions is the opportunity to get immediate feedback on your technique. Our pitching coaches can observe your pitching motion and provide real-time feedback on areas where you can make improvements. This can help you make adjustments quickly and develop good habits that will improve your overall performance on the mound.

Another benefit of personalized pitching sessions is the ability to focus on specific areas of your game that need improvement. Whether you need help with your mechanics, velocity, or control, our pitching coaches can develop a customized program to address your specific needs. By focusing on the areas where you need the most help, you can make the most progress and see results more quickly.

Get in Touch with The Pitching Pro

Improving your pitching velocity and control takes time and dedication, but it is possible with the right approach. By starting with a solid foundation, using the right equipment, practicing pitching drills, incorporating strength training, and getting personalized pitching sessions, you can take your pitching game to the next level. At The Pitching Pro, we are here to help you achieve your goals. Contact us at (610) 209-5024 or [email protected] to learn more about our services and how we can help you improve your pitching game.

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